
Wednesday 29 March 2017

New light on old story ... yawn

I'm a archaeologist

A recent midnight message from a Tracey Smith of Kincumber NSW confirms that the glyphs hoax continues to confound those who believe in fairy tales....
Tracey describes herself on her Facebook profile as:
I'm a weekend Paleontologist,Anthropologist and Archaeologist, full time weirdo and earth mother

Which of course means she has no qualifications at all much like all of the proponents of the Kariong Glyphs hoax, but first let's read her amusing midnight rant

Steve , just an update after our talks on the Nepean Stella that you debunked. Just letting you know , my husband and I just purchased a copy from the Kunst museum in Viena. We placed it beside the Nepean stella and YES they are exactly alike. But, a few differences which we will be releasing soon. No Steve Strong will not be a part of thisas it was his stuff ups with the continuous errors in the story which caused the continuous accusations of fraud. We are having it professionally tested inside and out, and I have no doubt in my mind Steve you will be eating your debunking story. I hope you will be onboard to do that soon as we present it , to which we will be giving you a front row seat... We are very excited and without the debunking we would never have known about the other one which honestly hasnt bothered us at all, it just opens a can of worms. Cheers Buddy Will be chatting with you soon

Tracey has mistaken me for Denis Gojack who debunked the Nepean Stela over a year ago , even Strong himself pulled down his article about after ridicule from inside his own camp but it gets better.. Tracey is the person who found this modern day replica and gave it to Strong to analyse and obviously not happy with his appraisal has now gone off on her own misguided search for the "truth" Evidently this tablet is to be professionally tested and startling revelations will be presented to one and all by this surburban mother, we can hardly wait and yes save me a plate and a front row seat

The Nepean stela available at Bunnings garden aisle $19.99

p.s its spelt stela not Stella that's a girls name ;) 

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